Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Affordable Care Act

It seems that the growing concern now in national government, is a question of whether the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare" to others,  is something that Americans really need. Problems with the website Healthcare.gov has many people and republicans in particular, concerned with how the effective this new law is going to be. This issue is going to be in the spotlight for many years to come or at least until after the Presidency of Barrack Obama. Many questions arise like...Do we really need to insure everyone in the United States? Where is the nation going to find the funds to back this law? Will American Citizens really be able to afford these new "affordable" insurance rates?

In a news article from NBCnews.com on their politics page, President Obama said he is determined to keep the Affordable Care Act alive as long as he is still President. Republicans are doing all they can to defunct the law and keeping the process of it to become fully matured. This ongoing battle between The Executive Branch and the Legislature is leading the nation in a standstill. Neither side, as it seems, is giving an inch to compromise unless it is total obliteration of the opposite's ideals.

My own personal opinion on the subject matter is undetermined, as I believe that I do not file under the group of people who needs this form of insurance, because my occupation with the City of Austin covers me. I understand the sides of the issue only vaguely and with that small understanding I can only try to come to a conclusion of my own, on whether this law is necessary. If I may speak freely, through this post, I say for me personally, The Affordable Care Act is something that I would not support because currently I am not in a position that I'm in dire need of health insurance. If I were a different situation in life where I needed medical attention and did not have health insurance, I would probably singing a different tune. Its all rather subjective to one's lifestyle on whether the Affordable Care Act is a necessary law needed by American citizens. There are too many variables and factors that can swing one's ideology to give a clear and concise conclusion. I will say that as long as the law doesn't affect my personal life too greatly then there is no objections with me. Though it may sound rather selfish of me to say these things, I truly believe the saying "to each their own" in regards with the issue of the Affordable Care Act.

Some interesting facts can be found on Huffingtonpost.com in an article titled "The Biggest Myths About Obamacare." The article is an interesting read and somewhat correlates with my opinion on that the law really does not affect me. Its is up to the individual on whether they feel that "Obamacare" is right or wrong and on that note... I bid you goodnight.

-Philip Corpus